Restaurant Pronto

Best Pizza in New York, guaranteed!

Nudimo preuzimanje i dostavu hrane


Vaša narudžba je potvrđena u STVARNOM VREMENU

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Specijalne Ponude

20% off total
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Meal for 2
Buy 2 Large pizzas for only $18 , instead of $22 (extra toppings charged on top)
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Buy a drink get 2nd free
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Free delivery for orders>30USD
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O restoranu Restaurant Pronto

U Restaurant Pronto nudimo obroke odlične kvalitete i pozivamo Vas da isprobate naša ukusna jela.

Ključ našeg uspjeha je jednostavan: svježe i kvalitetne namirnice, ponuda dosljedne kvalitete hrane koja je uvijek odličnog ukusa. Ponosimo se našim ukusnim jelima kao: Pizza, Talijanska, Tjestenina

Jedite odličnu hranu, uzmite piće i prije svega se opustite! Najiskrenije Vam zahvaljujemo na Vašoj neprekidnoj podršci.

Radno vrijeme

ponedjeljak - nedjelja
00:00 - 23:59
utorak - nedjelja
10:00 - 20:00

Dostava hrane u New York

Tražite dostavu hrane u blizini? Ne zna svatko ili nema vremena pripremiti ukusnu hranu.

Kada želite biti usluženi kao kralj tada naručite dostavu hrane iz Restaurant Pronto kao najbolji izbor.

Samo izaberite "Dostava" prilikom naručivanja i nadamo se da ćete uživati u našoj usluzi dostave hrane.

Cijena dostave

Zone 1, Min - 0,00 USD, Cijena dostave - 0,00 USD
Zone 2, Min - 7,00 USD, Cijena dostave - 2,00 USD
Zone 3, Min - 10,00 USD, Cijena dostave - 3,00 USD

NOVO! Online naručivanje

Online naručivanje je SADA omogućeno za preuzimanje ili dostavu. Samo nam recite što želite i pripremit ćemo najbrže što možemo. Sve narudžbe izravno ručno potvrđujemo. Odmah ćete saznati kada je Vaša hrana spremna. Samo pratite ekran prilikom naručivanja i dobit ćete obavijest kada možete doći po hranu ili kada će biti dostavljena.

Restaurant Pronto mobilna aplikacija

Sada možete online naručiti iz Restaurant Pronto u gradu New York koristeći svoj pametni telefon. Nama će biti zadovoljstvo potvrditi narudžbu u stvarnom vremenu. Jednostavno preuzmite aplikaciju i možete započeti naručivati iz Restaurant Pronto.

Ovisno o Vašem uređaju trebate odabrati Restaurant Pronto Android mobilnu aplikaciju ili Restaurant Pronto iOS mobilnu aplikaciju.

Restaurant Pronto u New York Android mobilna aplikacija

Društvene mreže

Facebook link for Restaurant Pronto

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Objavljeno 2016-06-29 07:10:11
Opis posla

At Pronto we maintain a high and consistent standard of food. Our customers are the most important part of our business and we do our best to make sure that their visit will be a pleasant one. We are now recruiting for chefs of all grades

 The ideal candidates will be

• HACCP trained • Have relevant experience  • Passionate about creating great food • Meticulous about attention to detail and in relation to food service (quality, portion size, presentation and consistency) • Be highly motivated and flexible • Proactive in important areas such as health and safety and food hygiene


Dependent on experience. Very competitive salary for the right candidate


Objavljeno 2016-06-29 07:13:41
Opis posla

Making guests feel comfortable and welcomed at a restaurant really makes all the difference. It is your responsibility to make each guest feel welcomed and comfortable.


  • Great guests and make them feel comfortable.
  • Learn menu items and be able to describe them appropriately to guests.
  • Take beverage and food orders.
  • Deliver beverages and food in a timely manner.
  • Deliver guest’s bill and thank them for dining at the restaurant.


  • Waiters and waitresses must be on their feet for long periods of time.
  • Professional and friendly. (Even in tough situations)
  • Effective communication skills with guests and staff.
  • Basic math skills.
  • Great attention to detail.

Food-hygiene / COVID-19 safety measures

We observe the most professional food hygiene standards such as the HACCP and food storage principles. We implemented the 4Cs of food hygiene: Cleaning, Cooking, Chiling and Cross contamination. Our staff received proper on-the-job training on the matters of personal hygiene and COVID-19 prevention. Our food inspection expires on 27/03/2021 and our current hygiene rating is "5 - hygiene standards are very good"